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全國統(tǒng)一學習專線 9:00-21:00

位置:北京語言培訓資訊 > 北京英語培訓資訊 > 餐桌上如何用商務英語口語談生意


日期:2019-08-20 12:37:02     瀏覽:607    來源:天才領路者

商務人員為了達成交易常會不失時機的邀請對方共同就餐,借此機會,展開談判攻勢,最終達到自己的目的。下面就來說說餐桌上如何用商務英語口語談生意,大家千萬別錯過。 ?



餐桌上如何用商務英語口語談生意 ?

商務餐宴是一門藝術,許多生意都是在酒桌上談下來的,這一招可是百試不爽的!商務人員為了達成交易常會不失時機的邀請對方共同就餐,借此機會,展開談判攻勢,最終達到自己的目的。 ?

在商務英語口語中,邀請客人吃飯時,我想都不僅僅是為了吃飯,在這個特殊時候,可以適當?shù)恼勑┥夂献魃厦娴氖虑椤? ?

對話背景:CEC的業(yè)務員佟先生邀請一會英國客戶奧爾森先生共進午餐。兩人在餐桌上就軟件的展示問題進行了商討。 ?

T: Mr. Tong, salesman of CEC. ?

O: Mr. Olson, a British customer. ?

T: I recommend the lobster. ?

O: I think I’ll go with the roast rib. ?

T: Can we talk a little about the project? (問對方是否可以談合作上的事情,一定要注意禮貌,不能魯莽,如果你認為這會影響到客戶吃飯的情緒,則不問為好,畢竟什么事情都不能勉強,餐桌上更多的應該是放松,增進客戶感情的地方) ?

O: Go ahead. (一般客戶都是會答應的,但是不要太過) ?

T: Even though it’s powerful, it’s very easy to use. You’ll be pleased with our documentation. And we’re far ahead of our competitors in our graphics capabilities. ?

O: I’ve heard very good reports about your software. I’d like you to arrange for a demonstration. How about 1 o’clock, Thursday afternoon, in our demo center? ?

T: Ok, no problem. ?

O: Well, that was a wonderful meal. ?

T: The food is really good here, isn’t it? ?

O: How much does the bill come to? ?

T: Don’t worry. I’ll take care of the bill. ?

O: Thank you very much. ?


商務英語口語點菜時的注意事項 ?

對話背景:主人為客人點菜時,應主動介紹菜肴的名稱,烹飪特點和食用方法等。 ?

W: Waiter ?

L: Lin Wei ?

A: One of the American guests. ?

W: What would you like to have tonight, please? ?

L: We’d like to have Chinese food. ?

A: I have no idea about Chinese food. Could you tell me the features of it? ?

L: Of course. It’s divided into eight major styles. Different regions in China have developed different cooking styles, such as Cantonese food, Beijing food, Sichuan food, etc. Cantonese cuisine and Sichuan cuisine are the most famous ones. ?

A: Is there any difference between Cantonese food and Beijing food? ?

L: Yes, Cantonese food is light while Beijing food is heavy and spicy. The famous specialties of these two are roast suckling pig and roast Beijing duck. Sichuan food is strong and hot. ?

W: Are you ready to order now, ladies and gentlemen? ?

L: Yes, I think so. We’d like roast Beijing duck, Dongpo braised pork, deep-fried radish balls… ?

W: What will your soup be? ?

L: Mushroom consommé, please. ?

W: Would you like something to drink with your meal? ?

L: We’d like to drink Maotai I brought from China. ?

W: That’s OK. Do you want anything else? ?

L: No, thanks! ?

商務英語口語與客戶吃飯要注意什么 ?

對話背景:在業(yè)務往來過程中,商業(yè)用餐時必不可少的,用餐時能把氣氛推向高潮則不容易。 ?

L: Mr. Lin ?

B: Mr. Brown ?

L: Dinner’s ready. Let’s go over to the dinner table. Mr. Brown, will you sit here on my right? ?

B: Oh, there are so many dishes. ?

L: These are cold dishes. Cold dishes are starters at a Chinese dinner. Main courses and soup come later. Try some of this, please. ?

B: The seafood is so delicious. It tastes like shrimp and some kind of fruit. What’s in it on earth? ?

L: You’re right. It’s shrimp, and the fruit is pineapple. How do you like the sweet and sour fish? ?

B: It’s real gourmet food, really melts in your mouth. ?

L: Here, we’ve finished this side of the fish, so let’s take off the fish bone and eat the other side. ?

B: Can you tell me what this is? ?

L: It’s roast rib, specialty of this region. It’s very nice if you take it while it’s hot. ?

B: It tastes very nice. I’d like to have some more. It’s delicious. ?

L: I’m glad you like them. Let’s drink to our friendship. ?

B: Let’s drink a toast to our close cooperation, bottoms up! ?
