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日期:2019-09-02 12:51:06     瀏覽:426    來源:天才領(lǐng)路者

如果要真正提高口語水平,需要從發(fā)音,流暢性,詞匯和語法雅思口語的四個評分標準出發(fā),下面是小編搜集整理的關(guān)于怎么學好雅思英語口語的資料,歡迎查閱。 ?

怎么學好雅思英語口語 ?



最有效快捷的方法是,針對*機經(jīng)當中出現(xiàn)的題目,一邊模擬回答,一邊收集所需要的單詞。例如,一個常常出現(xiàn)在part one的經(jīng)典題目:where are you from?看到這個題目,想想自己需要用到什么樣的單詞回答的,把這些單詞都收集起來并且學會,這樣就能夠記住最有用的單詞了。 ?

2. 模擬練習。大家都說得很對,口語的確是需要不斷開口進行實戰(zhàn)練習才能真正提高。建議樓主找老師或者同學進行模擬練習,練習的材料就是*的機經(jīng),大概每天保證練習30-60分鐘就*了。 ?

但是值得提醒的一點是,你找的partner必須是懂得雅思的,這樣才能夠從雅思的考試要求和評分標準給你有用的建議喔。 ?

雅思常用口語之閱讀書刊 ?

1.慣用雅思口語句子: ?

Morning edition, please. ?

請給我晨版的。 ?

Evening edition. ?

晚版的。 ?

edition n. 版本 ?

This is the best magazine. ?

這是*的雜志。 ?

this magazine is the best seller. ?

這本雜志很暢銷。 ?

best seller“暢銷品” ?

I really like short stories. ?

我喜歡讀短篇小說。 ?

I usually read novels. ?

我通常讀長篇小說。 ?

I like to read science fiction. ?

我喜歡讀科幻小說。 ?

I'm interested in biography. ?

我對傳記文學感興趣。 ?

novel n. (長篇)小說 ?

fiction n. 小說 ?

biography n. 傳記 ?

science fiction“科幻小說,科幻電影” ?

I prefer essays to poem8. ?

比起詩歌,我更喜歡散文。 ?

essay n.散文,隨筆 ?

poem n. 詩歌 ?

I advise you to read A Dream in Red Mansions. ?

我建議你讀《紐樓夢》。 ?

It's really a good book if you want a bit of light reading. ?

如果你想看點輕松讀物,這本書真的不錯。 ?

mansion n. 大廈,官邸 ?

《紅樓夢》還可以譯作“The Story吖the Stone”,中文為《石頭記》。 ?

I'd like a subscription to ONXIU English. ?

我想訂—份<昂秀英語)。 ?

I want a subscription. ?

我想訂一份。 ?

subscription n. 訂閱 ?

I'd like to renew my subscription. ?

我想續(xù)訂。 ?

I want to cancel my subscription. ?

我想取消訂閱。 ?

renew v. 續(xù)訂,續(xù)借 ?

cancel v. 取消 ?

Do you know the circulation of this newspaper? ?

你知道這份報紙的發(fā)行量嗎? ?

circulation n. 發(fā)行量 ?

How would you comment on this paper? ?

你對此報的評價如何? ?

comment v. 評論,評價

2.實用對話 ?

Reading閱讀 ?

Nicholas: What are you reading, Linda? ?

尼古拉斯:你在讀什么呀,琳達? ?

Linda: I'm reading a novel The Mill on the Floss, written by the famous novelist, George Eliot. ?

琳達:我在讀長篇小說《弗羅斯河上的磨坊》,是由著名小說家喬治·艾略特寫的。 ?

Nicholas: What's it about? ?

尼古拉斯:是關(guān)于什么的? ?

Linda: It is mainly about the relationship between a brother and a sister. who live in a mill on river Floss. It describes ?

their childhood and a dispute that causes them to separate. The book ends with them happily together again, but they were ?

both killed in the flood. ?

琳達:主要寫了住在弗羅斯河上磨坊里的一對兄妹之間的關(guān)系。小說描寫了他們的童年生活以及一次爭論最終導致他們各奔東西。這部小說以 ?

他們愉快的團聚作為結(jié)尾,但是他們卻在一場洪水中雙雙喪生。 ?

Nicholas: Is it difficult to understand? ?

尼古拉斯:很難看懂嗎? ?

Linda: Not really, I would consider it easy. ?

琳達:不是,我覺得很容易懂。 ?

Nicholas: Besides novels, are there any other types of literary works that you indulge in? ?

尼古拉斯:除了長篇小說以外,你還喜歡讀什么其他類型的文學作品嗎? ?

Linda: I really like short stories. ?

琳達:我還喜歡讀短篇小說。 ?

Nicholas: Have you read anything else besides literature? ?

尼古拉斯:除了文學作品以外,你讀其他的書嗎? ?

Linda: Certainly I have. I like to read books on various subjects, and I read everything I can get my hands on in my spare ?

time. I don't want to id e away and waste my time. ?

琳達:當然讀了。我喜歡看各種題材的書,在空閑時我拿到什么書就看什么書。我可不想閑呆著浪費時間。 ?

Nicholas: I agree. People who don't read are no better of than people who can't read. I also agree that "Books are like food ?

for the mind." ?

尼古拉斯:我贊同。不讀書的人并不比不能讀書的人強。我還認為“書籍是人類精神的糧食?!? ?

3.詳細解說 ?

1.“indulge in...”表示“沉迷于…”,例如:Most of us are too busy to indulge in heavy lunchtime drinking.(我們大部分人都太 ?

忙了,中午不可能喝太多酒。) ?

2.“get one's hands on sth.”意為“成功獲得某物”。 ?

3.“idle away 意為“浪費(時間),虛度(光陰)”。例如:They idled their time away in the pub.(他們在酒吧里虛度了光陰。) ?

4.“better off'’為“well-off”的比較級,表示“境況較佳的”?!皐ell-off”表示“小康的,(生活較)富裕的”。例如:They are ?

children from well-off families.(他們是富裕家庭出來的孩子。) ?

雅思口語part2新題參考:近期出行計劃 ?

Describe a trip that you plan to go on in the near future ?

You should say: ?

Where this place is ?

Who you would like to go with ?

What would you do there and explain why you would like to go there ?

雅思口語part 2參考范文 ?

I am planning the trip in next summer. In fact, I will take a leave from my office for the entire summer. I have not been taking leaves for past one year and have been working like a machine. Even I had worked in the office on the weekends to meet some emergencies. Now, I am badly in need of a great refreshment and the trip will help me to get refreshed. The trip will begin from the very first day of summer vacation and will last around a month. ?

我計劃明年夏天去旅行。事實上,我將在整個夏天離開我的辦公室。我已經(jīng)有一年沒有休假了,而且一直像機器一樣工作。甚至我在周末也在辦公室里工作,以應付一些緊急情況?,F(xiàn)在,我急需一份很好的茶點,這次旅行將幫助我恢復精神。這次旅行將從暑假的*天開始,并將持續(xù)一個月左右。 ?

I am an NGO worker here and live with my parents. So, I am planning to visit any of the European countries, particularly Italy, with my parents. They have not been out of South Africa for a long time. Besides, I have conducted a minor research that Italy is the most attractive place to visit. The country contains a notable number of natural visiting places with beautiful landscapes. Moreover, the lakes of the country are excellent with their bluish water. The foods are delicious and almost all types of foods are available here. Besides, this is a destination for global tourists. Considering all these facts, I have planned to have the trip to Italy. ?

我是這里的一名非*組織工作人員,和我的父母住在一起。因此,我計劃和我的父母訪問某個歐洲*,尤其是意大利。他們已經(jīng)很久沒有離開南非了。此外,我還做了一項小調(diào)查,認為意大利是最有吸引力的地方。這個*有相當數(shù)量的自然景觀,有美麗的風景。此外,這個*的湖泊很好。食物很美味,幾乎所有種類的食物都在這里。此外,這里是全球游客的目的地。考慮到所有這些事實,我計劃去意大利旅行。 ?

Initially, I have selected some of the most visiting spots in Italy. But all the other preparations are still remaining. I am unable to manage time for the preparations. I have to renew my passport in line with the passports of my parents. This is really a hefty task. Then I have to arrange for vis as though this is not a problem at all and manageable within one day. Then appears the issues of collecting maps for the locations I want to visit. Changing the currency is another potential issue to be considered. So, before starting the trip, I have to collect the changed currencies or it will be difficult to meet the expenses in Italy. Booking the aeroplane tickets is another important issue. I have to book tickets at least 15 days before the trip. So far, these are the necessary preparations that I need to take. ?

最初,我選擇了一些意大利*的景點。但所有其他的準備工作仍在繼續(xù)。我必須用我父母的護照更新我的護照。這真的是一項艱巨的任務。然后我必須安排簽證,盡管這不是一個問題,而且在一天之內(nèi)就可以管理。然后出現(xiàn)了為我想要訪問的地點收集地圖的問題。改變貨幣是另一個需要考慮的潛在問題。因此,在開始旅行之前,我必須收集兌換的貨幣,否則很難在意大利支付費用。預訂機票是另一個重要的問題。我必須在旅行前至少15天訂票。到目前為止,這些都是我需要做的準備工作。 ?

This would be a very special trip as I am travelling with my parents for the first time out of the state. In fact, this would a family trip where all the three family members will be present together for the first time. Earlier, I was unable to manage time for such trip and could not dare to even plan for. It was my occupational engagement that made me separated from my family. Only we met at the table at night during the supper. So, I made the plan to have the trip for a long time so that we could spend some quality moments together in a very special place. In view of all such aspects, this would be a special trip for me. ?
