Flash與html 的一些實(shí)用技巧
Flash與html 的一些實(shí)用技巧
function GetBorwser()
dim BcType,Browser,System,Ver,strSystem,strBrowser
str = Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_USER_AGENT")
Agent = split(str,";")
Browser = "Unknown"
System = "Unknown"
BcType = 0
if InStr(Agent(1),"U")>0 and not(InStr(str, "Gecko")>0 and InStr(str, "Netscape")>0) then
Ver = mid(Agent(0),InStr(Agent(0), "/")+1)
Ver = mid(Ver,1,InStr(Ver,"[")-1)
Browser = "Netscape " + Ver
System = mid(Agent(0),InStr(Agent(0), "(")+1)
if not(InStr(System,"Windows")>0) then
System = replace(System, "Win", "Windows ")
end if
end if
if InStr(str, "Gecko")>0 and InStr(str, "Netscape")>0then
if InStr(str,"Netscape6")>0 then
Ver = mid(Agent(4),InStr(Agent(4),"Netscape6")+10)
Ver = mid(Agent(4),InStr(Agent(4),"Netscape")+9)
end if
Browser = "Netscape " & Ver
System = replace(Agent(2),")", "")
if not(InStr(System,"Windows")>0) then
System = replace(System, "Win", "Windows ")
end if
end if
if InStr(Agent(1),"IE") >0 then
Browser = Agent(1)
System = replace(Agent(2),")", "")
if not(InStr(System,"Windows")>0) then
System = replace(System, "Win", "Windows ")
end if
end if
if InStr(Agent(1),"IE") >0 and InStr(str,"Opera") >0 then
Browser = mid(Agent(2), InStr(Agent(2),")")+2, InStr(Agent(2),"Opera")-4)
System = mid(Agent(2),1,InStr(Agent(2),")"))
System = replace(System, ")", "")
if not(InStr(System,"Windows")>0) then
System = replace(System, "Win", "Windows ")
end if
end if
strSystem = System
if InStr(strSystem, "98") >0 and InStr(str,"Win 9x") >0 then
strSystem = replace(strSystem, "98", "Me")
end if
strSystem = replace(strSystem, "9x 4.90", "Me")
strSystem = replace(strSystem, "NT 5.0", "2000")
strSystem = replace(strSystem, "NT 5.1", "XP")
strSystem = replace(strSystem, "NT 5.0", "2000")
strSystem = replace(strSystem, "NT 5.2","2003")
strBrowser = replace(Browser, "MSIE", "Internet Explorer")
GetBorwser = strSystem&"+"&strBrowser&"+"&Request.ServerVariables("REMOTE_ADDR")
end function
dim bor,borwsys
bor = GetBorwser()
borwsys = split(bor,"+")
//系統(tǒng)版本,瀏覽器,IP地址function GetBorwser()
dim BcType,Browser,System,Ver,strSystem,strBrowser
str = Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_USER_AGENT")
Agent = split(str,";")
Browser = "Unknown"
System = "Unknown"
BcType = 0
if InStr(Agent(1),"U")>0 and not(InStr(str, "Gecko")>0 and InStr(str, "Netscape")>0) then
Ver = mid(Agent(0),InStr(Agent(0), "/")+1)
Ver = mid(Ver,1,InStr(Ver,"[")-1)
Browser = "Netscape " + Ver
System = mid(Agent(0),InStr(Agent(0), "(")+1)
if not(InStr(System,"Windows")>0) then
System = replace(System, "Win", "Windows ")
end if
end if
if InStr(str, "Gecko")>0 and InStr(str, "Netscape")>0then
if InStr(str,"Netscape6")>0 then
Ver = mid(Agent(4),InStr(Agent(4),"Netscape6")+10)
Ver = mid(Agent(4),InStr(Agent(4),"Netscape")+9)
end if
Browser = "Netscape " & Ver
System = replace(Agent(2),")", "")
if not(InStr(System,"Windows")>0) then
System = replace(System, "Win", "Windows ")
end if
end if
if InStr(Agent(1),"IE") >0 then
Browser = Agent(1)
System = replace(Agent(2),")", "")
if not(InStr(System,"Windows")>0) then
System = replace(System, "Win", "Windows ")
end if
end if
if InStr(Agent(1),"IE") >0 and InStr(str,"Opera") >0 then
Browser = mid(Agent(2), InStr(Agent(2),")")+2, InStr(Agent(2),"Opera")-4)
System = mid(Agent(2),1,InStr(Agent(2),")"))
System = replace(System, ")", "")
if not(InStr(System,"Windows")>0) then
System = replace(System, "Win", "Windows ")
end if
end if
strSystem = System
if InStr(strSystem, "98") >0 and InStr(str,"Win 9x") >0 then
strSystem = replace(strSystem, "98", "Me")
end if
strSystem = replace(strSystem, "9x 4.90", "Me")
strSystem = replace(strSystem, "NT 5.0", "2000")
strSystem = replace(strSystem, "NT 5.1", "XP")
strSystem = replace(strSystem, "NT 5.0", "2000")
strSystem = replace(strSystem, "NT 5.2","2003")
strBrowser = replace(Browser, "MSIE", "Internet Explorer")
GetBorwser = strSystem&"+"&strBrowser&"+"&Request.ServerVariables("REMOTE_ADDR")
end function
dim bor,borwsys
bor = GetBorwser()
borwsys = split(bor,"+")